Friday, June 15, 2007

not-awesome Lydie

My daughter is totally great at hula-hoop. I didn't even know she could do it! Anyway, last night I tried to hula-hoop, too. Let's just say it was embarassing. Annika was VERY excited to find something that she was *totally* better than me at. Here's what she said to me: "Tomorrow when we go to Grandma's, we'll both hula-hoop. You say: Here's the talented Annika. And I'll say: Here's the not-awesome Lydie."


The not-awesome Lydie.

She hit the nail on the head. I've been feeling like the not-awesome Lydie for a long time now.

So here's my goal: to be more awesome. To be a *funner* mom to Annika, and lighten up a little. Play, be more active, get more involved. Take more pictures, go more places. Remember why it's so fun to be a kid.


1 comment:

creasa said...

I think you are totally awesome Rockin' Lydie. Annika is lucky to have you for a mom. hee hee...Just wait til she goes through her Jr. High awkward phase. :)